When Faith was just 11 years old in 2013 she experienced back pain for the first time while going down a slide on the school playground. She was taken to Kenyatta National.
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Delvan’s illness began with a simple change in his posture and walk. But in 2021, his mother thought that his new, bent-over walking style might be more than Delvan trying to…
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Ephraim led a very active life leading up to his surgery, as both as karate instructor and athlete. But following the onset of a cervical terbuculosis absess with quadriparesis, this all.
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Daniel, who is 21 years old, is a bright, engaging, driven individual who takes great pride in education...
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Euphrasia, who is 15 years old, is a bright and charismatic teenager, full of life and hope. She lives with her mother, father, and two...
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Seventeen year old Margaret, graced us with her presence from all the way from Nakuru, Kenya. As one of six siblings...
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